Introducing my NEW website and Writer’s blog

This link will lead you to the first post on my new Writer’s blog. The title is Accused of Attacking Trump and Conservatives.

The first paragraph says, “Obvious Trump supporters and/or conservatives have sent me emails, accusing me of being unfair regarding former President Trump and attacking American conservatives. They were referring to my thriller The Patriot Oath.”

The new Website’s link is: Lloyd Lofthouse

The menu to the right of Lloyd Lofthouse has three new pages following links from my older blogs that are still on WordPress, and one of the new ones is the new Writer’s Blog:


Crazy is Normal

The Soulful Veteran

A Writer’s Blog

About Lloyd


19 thoughts on “Introducing my NEW website and Writer’s blog

  1. I am thrilled to hear that people are sending you emails complaining about your treatment of poor old ex-president Trump — I can barely raise comments on my blog so more power to you. But as you and I already know, Trump’s shadow government has already done everything that can be done to insure that he will be back in the Oval Office in 2024 and no power on earth is going to stop him. All those lower court judges he appointed and his stacked Supreme Court will make sure of it. Chastise me if I am wrong but explain why.

    • Unfortunately, I agree with you. The Liar in Chief, the Cheater in Chief, who accuses everyone else of lying and cheating, is doing all he can to set the stage for another Electoral College win like he had in 2016, even if Biden beats him by 10,000,000 votes.

      A few years ago I read a piece I hope is wrong, that the only way to make sure the Electoral College doesn’t make the popular vote winner a loser is if the popular vote winner ends up with 15,000,000 or more votes. Then there is no way the other candidate can beat the popular vote winner in the Electoral College.

      All Trump needed was about 400,000 more votes in the battleground states, and he would have beat Biden in the Electoral College, who would have still ended up with about 7,000,000 popular votes. And Hillary was the biggest popular vote winner in US history when she lost to Trump in 2016. One of the political parties has been cheating for decades, and it’s not the Democrats.

      It’s the only way Traitor Trump can win in 2024. There is no way he’ll win the popular vote no matter how much they twist and smear Biden’s image and age.

      • I believe that the 2024 election is going to be a crap show of enormous proportions because of all the gerrymandering, all the lawsuits passed to the lower courts and eventually to the Supreme Court — I think in the end we are going to be witness to another case of the Supreme Court awarding the contested presidency to Trump much the same as it did to put Georgie Bush into the Oval Office….First un-elected president to ever be installed in the United States, but by no means or measure the last. (By the way I am adding “The Soulful Veteran’s Blog” to my list of favorites on the front page of my own blog…Keep up the good work.

      • If Trump wins in 2024, it will have to be through the Electoral College (because he cheated), and/or the US Supreme Court. Because Traitor Trump is a threat to the US Constitution that will trigger millions of people who took the Constitutional oath to defend the Constitution from someone like Traitor Trump and his dangerous, loyalist, treasonous, dumber than dumb, ignorant MAGA RINO (with a mafia mindset) support base.

        I think the odds are strong that this happening will trigger a Civil War between those who take that oath seriously and those that don’t, like Traitor Trump who lied the first time he took that oath back in January 2017. I think it will tear this country apart, because most of those that took that oath and live by that oath, will not be able to sit back and let the traitor and his MAGA RINO mafia take over this country without a bloody fight.

      • If ordinary things happen…people will just roll over and try to ride out the storm…The country is already torn apart — it will take a national catastrophy of immense proportions to get America anywhere near united again….we have crossed the Rubicon on that wet dream.

      • I think you are right for most people, but many of us that took that oath to defend the U.S. Constitution who served or are still in the military, the Secret Service, the FBI et al. will fight.

        Most U.S. citizens never took that oath. Only those who are elected to a federal office, appointed to a federal job, joined the military or worked in federal law enforcement take that oath. Millions of Americans, and I think at least half or more will be willing to lock and load and fight like hell to defeat Traitor Trump and MAGA to keep the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land.

      • You might have a point but when you say Americans will be willing to lock and load and fight like hell, you are sounding like the former guy sounded on that podium at the Capitol before the insurrection took place…I was hoping that somebody with some power would intervene to stop that horrible thing but nobody came….everyone saw what was happening on the tv but no one showed up to help put a stop to it—I thought at least the national guard would have arrived but they never did as far as I can tell… and if they did it must have been too late to do anything about it. We have a full 1/3 of the voting population supporting another Trump presidency– that is about 77 million people… that would be quite a large force to face with or without arms …that would be a full scale civil war …

      • “you are sounding like the former guy sounded on that podium at the Capitol before the insurrection took place”

        The difference is, Traitor Trump said this before his mob attacked the capital. He has also publicly said he is going to be a dictator the first day he is president again and he will suspend part of or all of the U.S. Constitution, fire the leadership of the military and all the federal agencies and appoint loyal MAGA RINOs to take their places of those who also took the oath to defend the U.S. Constitutions.

        Those who took the oath to defend the U.S. Constitution will do the same thing the Capital Police did, defend the U.S. Constitution. To defend, we wait until the threat is real. Then the real patriots honoring the oath they took to defend the U.S. Constitution, will lock and load.

        When that happens, I suspect there will be resistance from many military commanders and most of their troops will side with the officers, not Traitor Trump. A few will join the Traitor’s MAGA army.

        The Military Times magazine ran an annual poll to determine how many in the military supported Trump, during his presidency. Trump never had a majority of the troops, and what support he did have dropped each year. Among officers, 70% or more did not approve of or support Trump every year the Traitor was in office.

        The oath military officers take when commissioned is different than the one the troops take.

        Click to access A71.pdf

        Nowhere in that oath the officers take does it say they have to obey the president’s orders. The word “president” isn’t mentioned.

        Still, I think once Trump is elected, if he wins, he’ll demand the entire military all sign a loyalty oath to him or he’ll fire them. He loves to fire people.

      • Your insights about what Trump will do are spot on correct and I pray that the responses by loyal Americans that you mention will actually take place…otherwise we are all doomed.

      • I know. It’s also possible that the traitor and his fascist loving loyalists will hit anyone hard that puts up a resistance attempting to scare others from doing the same.

        The end results of that will probably be a violent civil war between MAGA and the rest of the country. Of all the former military friends I have, only one of them is a Trump loyalist and he never saw combat. His time in the Marines wasn’t spent in combat zones.

        The US has the third largest population in the world behind India and China at more than 330,000,000 people. It isn’t going to be easy to crush an uprising to defend the U.S. Constitution from Traitor Trump and his MAGA RINO mafia. As violent as the country is with firearms in almost every house, I do not think this country will convert to a dictatorship lying down.

        I think millions will fight. And some of them will be organized. Regarding the active duty military, most military bases in the United States and around the world are commanded by officers that do not support Trump, and the oath they took allows them to defy him and order their troops to do the same thing.

        “Military bases swung hard away from Republicans in 2020”
        “By our calculations they moved towards Democrats by eight points, compared with a nationwide swing of just two”

        California by itself has enough military bases for a complete combat army with airforce and naval support. Visit the next link and click on just the democratically controlled states.

      • I do like the encouraging undertone of your proposals here..Your insights do contain an element of comfort in that they tell me that not all is lost.

      • Also, the extreme right represented mostly by MAGA RINOs are ignorant of facts. While studies show conservatives owned the most firearms, in 2020, the left bought a lot of firearms because of Traitor Trump’s attempted coup attempts and repeated BIG LIE that he lost the election do to cheating from Biden when there is no evidence of cheating by Biden.

        At the same time, evidence in court is proving trump is a fraud and a rapist.

        In one recent trial a jury ruled Trump was a rapist and the penalty was $5,000,000.

        In another trial, a judge ruled that the Trump crime family was guilty of fraud. The penalty hasn’t been decided yet. The winning prosecutors are asking that the fine be $250,000,000 but the judge may rule higher or lower, and also include a prison sentence.

        And there are more court cases pending with more to come.

        Courts keep proving that Trump’s big lie is a lie. More than 60 judges, some appointed by the traitor, have ruled there was not enough evidence of fraud to prove that’s why the traitor lost.

        Rudy Giuliani, another traitor and a Trump allie, lost big in court recently for support Trump’s big lie, accusing a mother and daughter election workers of cheating. The penalty in that trial was almost $150,000,000. Giuliani has filed for bankruptcy but from what i’ve read that will not protect him from the penalty the jury awarded Rudy’s victims.

        Trump also repeatedly slandered that mother and daughter with the same lie.

        FOX fake NEWS, a lying propoganda outlet supporting Traitor Trump’s big lies, settled out of court with Dominion Voting Systems for about $750,000,000 for supporting Traitor Trump’s big lie because in court it was proved that FOX deliberate repeated Traitor Trump’s big lie, knowing that they were repeating a lie.

        Another voting machine company is still in court with FOX and that company is asking for more than Dominion did.

        Since Traitor Trump made up that lie, when will they drag his toxic lard ass into court?

        Back to who is buying firearms that never owned one before:

        “Gun sales in January set a new record after Capitol Hill insurrection”

        Oliva said ongoing fears of social unrest that began in 2020 also likely played a role in January’s record-setting sales figures.
        “I think there’s still concerns for safety,” he said. “There’s people who fear they’re not going to be able to provide their own safety.”

        Still ignorant MAGA RINOs think “libtards” (they think everyone that doesn’t agree with them is a libtard even when they aren’t) does not own guns because they are “snowflakes”.

        WRONG! Millions of Americans went out and bought firearms for the first time after Traitor Trump’s January 6, 2021, violent coup attempt.

        And from what I read, a record number of those first time firearms buyers went to firing ranges to be taught how to shoot.

        I’m a NEVER TRUMP voter, and I’ve owned firearms since I was a U.S. Marine in the 1960s. I even have a firearm safe bolted to my house to make it harder for thieves to steal the safe if they can’t open it. I also know other former combat vets (more than a dozen) who own firearms and none of the combat vets I know support Traitor Trump. The only former military people I know that support Trump are few (two) and none of them have ever been in combat. In the active military there is an acronym for them, REMF, Rear Echelon Mother Fuckers.

        If the traitor’s MAGA RINO mafia army thinks they are going to have an easy time taking over this country if their little god wins or loses in 2024, planning to get rid of the U.S. Constitution and became a dictator, I think MAGA is going to run into a huge surprise many of them will not survive.

        Even if I die in the fighting, my goal is to kill more of them before they get me. Since the NEVER TRUMPERS will always outnumber the FOREVER TRUMPERS, attrition will kill them all off first because the numbers are against them.

      • Thew comment section is located under a blue link just under the title of each article on the blog and it says things like:
        JANUARY 1, 2024 ~ LEAVE A COMMENT ~ EDIT
        Just click on the “Leave a Comment” and it will take you to the place where you can enter your comment.

      • What is important to me, Mr. Lofthouse, is that you do continue to comment because I simply am thrilled with what you have to say and the way you say it…

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