Trump boasts he will make America Safe from Terrorists by doing what Israel does

A vote for Trump is a vote for a manipulating, psycho, narcissistic, bully, and serial liar.

Lloyd's Anything Blog

Mother Jones reports Donald Trump’s response to the recent New York, New Jersey Bombings, and the miracle cure is racial profiling on a mass scale. Trump says, “You know, in Israel they profile. They’ve done an unbelievable job, as good as you can do.”

I took a closer look at Donald Trump’s claim that Israel does a job “as good as you can do.”

The Jewish Virtual Library posts a comprehensive listing of fatalities linked to terrorism against Israel. So far in 2016, there have been ten listings that added up to 14 dead.

In 2015 there were twenty-two listings for 35 dead.

In 2014 there were 15 listings for 39 dead.

The list goes back to 1993. For Israel to be “as good as can you can do”, then the death toll from terrorism in Israel has to be lower than the U.S. death toll from terrorism on U.S…

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